
I am racially Italian-American & African-American.  I am a biracial, self-identifying, culturally & ethnically black American woman living in the segregated Midwest.  I grew up in Detroit, one of the most segregated cities in America. I am often mistaken for being Latina-American & one time, white.  Outside of the U.S. in countries as varied as […]

rhys jump 2

I was editing a few beach pictures the other day.  We’d taken a mini staycation for Labor Day weekend to South Haven, MI.  We live about 45 minutes away from one of the most beautiful shorelines in the States: Lake Michigan on the Michigan side.  The beauty of this particular giant body of water is […]

2013-06-30 00.24.08

Dear Over Sharing Mama, I feel you.  Sometimes, I confess, I over share because I feel woefully inadequate as a Mama.  At least I think that’s why underneath it all. I upload copious amounts of instagrams appropriately hashtagged #momlife. Yet, as to motive, I’m in deliberations about all this.  Hear me out. One time I tweeted, […]


“WHAT IS IT?”  I hear my 7.5 yr. old screaming from the other room. A bit of explanation from my husband. “BUT, WHAT. IS. IT? DADDY TELL ME NOW!” A bit more explanation from my husband.  A bit of laughing.  A bit more frustrated tones from the son. “IS IT AN OCEAN?  IS IT EATING […]


Every 1st Monday of the month, I’ll be taking seriously my One Word for 2013 by joining Kristin, Alyssa, Suzannah, Leigh, Danielle & others to update our one word progress.  You can join the OneWord365.com community & use the #onewordupdate hashtag on Twitter to follow along. The word I chose was establish.  One aspect I hope to establish […]

Rhys crying

My guest post blog series When God Speaks {or doesn’t} will continue on for the next few days.  But for now, one of my own!  I’m over at A Deeper Story today, musing on the redeemed and unredeemed voice of our little King… ~ Be careful with me. That’s what my 3 yr. old, Rhys […]

r1 r2 and i

There is beauty and brokenness in parenting.  The heartache of possibilities held in tension with the fullness of joy is enough to make your heart explode like day old lasagna left too long in a splattered microwave….or something like that.  It’s messy. Brokenness. I want to be a more engaged mother, a kinder mother, a […]

Ransom and Rhys at Cedar Campus

What it is like to identify as one race in one ethnic background and give birth to another?  That’s what I’m attempting to tackle in a healthy way from now until, let’s see….the end of my life. In the meantime, I’m sharing over on Deidra Riggs’ Jumping Tandem blog.  Deidre has been doing a fascinating 31 […]
