
I am super quick to dog myself out.  It’s not brilliant humility -so I’ve learned- but actually an unhealthy form of narcissism in which one focuses intensely on their downfalls.  Seriously? Yesssssss, Chile.  You can’t win for losin’. Years ago, I remember the look on my mentor’s face when I told him I created lists […]

niagra falls

Or “in which I am a beloved failure,” OR “this is my defining moment, Y’all,” OR “I ate cliché’s for breakfast because the BEST IS YET TO COME!” On Monday I transitioned from the foundation I was working for.  I’m not contractually able to say more than that, which in some ways, is a relief […]


My husband Dave & I have fumbled upon in marriage what seems to be a nice little sweet spot.  There are ways in which we are both growing in specific areas that the other spouse was ready to hang the other by bloody toe-nail if we didn’t get it together. On May 20 we will […]
