so many tears

I swear now.  I haven’t always swore.  I started swearing more -in jest- when I started Seminary and met a more liberal Christian than I’d been used to. But it’s been the past two years that kicked it up a notch.  It  wasn’t a big deal until I started being more free with my choice […]


**Written about 6 weeks ago before I started working full-time again*** The other day I was getting ready to go out.  I’d bothered to put on makeup, did my hair and even threw on accessories. Since I’ve been unemployed for a few months, I’m living in pj’s or sweats, keep my head in a rag […]


I watched The Truman Show tonight while I was pretending to get some work done. A line stuck out to me: “If Truman wanted to get out, he would.  But he won’t because we all accept the reality we have been given.” And it’s true, we do until we know we don’t have to. Everyone […]


I’ve mentioned before that I read way too much celebrity garbage.  It’s a dirty little habit I’m still trying to kick.  What always annoys me about reading it though it that now-a-days any one can anonymously post mean things in reference to any one picture or story.  People are just awful.  I’ve read people say […]


Some people are so thoughtful.  For example, my mom & sweet mother’n’law, Sara send Dave, Ran & I a card for every single holiday in the calender year.  Afterwards, I always feel like such a giant slouch that I didn’t plan ahead enough to do the same.  Even now with the e-cards, I still forget. […]


On the way to school today I listened to my fave podcast: This American Life.  The topic?  Senior Prom.  The excitement, the build-up, the inevitable let-down, the stupidity, the dress, the hair, etc.  They explored, why is Prom such a popular cultural phenonmenon?   During one prom, a tornado took out half the town and […]


Last week my Uncle Fred passed away just one day shy of his 50th wedding anniversary.  Just before that one of my friends Auntie Kay-Kay succumbed to cancer after a 3-year battle.  And not long after that a friend of a friend that I grew up with passed away leaving 3 young girls behind. I […]
