wow. just wow.

I am coming to terms.  Truth is, the interwebs is not always a nice place to play for a Mommy blogger.  Bottom line: folks are mean.  Especially the lady folk. A few weeks ago, I got an Honesty Box inbox message that wasn’t very nice.  A woman said, “you hide behind your personality.”


A follow up to the ever popular post: So, I\’m bald now. Eck. (Part 1) Appropriately titled, So, I’m bald now. Yay! (Part 2) I wasn’t sure if there would be a part 2. Sure, sure I thought there would be more endless droning about the fact that I hated my new lop-job haircut which […]


It’s been crazy redonkulously busy lately. Any week where I’ve got a work trip, a ton to of stuff to do for home and work life, Dave has two speaking engagements on campus & both of us are doing “over-time” duty with the kids while the other is gallivanting about with IV stuff… …is one […]

Got to love Billy Crystal!

Did you ever see the 1995 chick flick, Forget Paris?  It’s a really funny comedy about love…after marriage.  The two love birds meet, have a marvelous week in Paris, & return stateside to get married when everything starts falling apart.  Of course, they fall back in love by the end… and live happily ever after. At […]


…hearing the new baby’s heartbeat.  There are two hearts beating in my body right now, weird & miraculous & beautiful wouldn’t you say? …warm days with sun …hearing him say, “Mama, you look very nice today.” …being done with school for this semester …sleeping more often (this is especially good since I’m starting to deal […]


My husband Dave & I have fumbled upon in marriage what seems to be a nice little sweet spot.  There are ways in which we are both growing in specific areas that the other spouse was ready to hang the other by bloody toe-nail if we didn’t get it together. On May 20 we will […]


  Well, truthfully, I took this from inside the house.  But they sure had fun.


How do you handle transitions? I’m finding that as I grow up I’m becoming this weird mix of two things.  One, I often have great fear and trepidation concerning upcoming transitions.  For example, if you followed my blog in the past, you know I was so afraid to transition into my Sabbatical. The other, is […]
