This is what I do when I get overwhelmed with the writing process. I start making fake book covers. This picture of me was taken when I was 11. It was a headshot in my modeling portfolio. My Dad had just went to prison and for some reason I feel like it captured a lot of the confusion I was feeling.

I am sorry bloggers that all of my social media content right now is about my memoir.  Other than my actual hubs, I’m a bit married to the project, or as I said in my last post, pregnant with it.  Meaning, it’s completion is all. I. think. about.

minister mama signature final

Last year, I wrote about how I experienced 9/11 as an angry, black racist. And how 9/11 served as a catalyst towards my coming to grips with my own racial identity but also the my anger towards America.  I was going to add to it but realized it’s good the way it is, hence the […]
