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Seems to me when we flip our lives right side up we move in fear and when we flip our lives upside down we move in foolishness. In the last little while I’ve flipped in fear and foolishness. Allow me please, to tell you how I’ve flipped life right side up in fear… Many of […]

Dave & I Aug. 2012

You guys, things have been so good lately.  Not pie-in-the-sky, but better. Even when things are going badly, the slightest bit of ‘better’ is an amazing feeling.  That’s where I’m at.  Better.  Not my best, but better. First of all, my health is better.  I wasn’t sick or anything, unless you include my sugar addiction, […]


About a week ago, I fired up the old laptop and mentally prepared for a quickie.  A quick 20-minute blog post, that is.  Only my blog wasn’t there.  Not even the freaking admin page was there. So.  I hyperventilated, naturally. After a little googling and I’d found that my web server, GoDaddy had been hacked by […]

CBC Family Reunion

When I started in campus ministry several years ago, I was 18, unmotivated, and a confused biracial kid with baggage up the wazoo and not a mite of confidence except in the only things I’d managed to perfect: fashion and hair.  I started tagging along with the InterVarsity kids not because of Jesus or even […]


I did something so profoundly stupid I’m convinced it’s going to remain in the top 5 of the biggest regrets of my lifetime.  You’re probably giving me the benefit of the doubt, eh?  Your thinking I’m either A) being too hard on myself or B) that this giant mistake happened 8 years ago. Nope.  Not […]


  netizen |ˈnetəzən| noun a user of the Internet, esp. a habitual or avid one.   Why you don’t have to be afraid someone else will steal your dream by Lisa-Jo Baker: Tales From a Gypsy Mama.  Fabulous, fabulous post on not letting other’s successes get you down. 25 Insights on Becoming a Better Writer […]
