If you had told me at this time last year that I’d be published in a book coming out this Fall, I’d have smacked you. Hella hard. Everything in my life was SUCK-WAD city. When the beautiful Enuma asked if I’d like to write about my SUCK-WAD city for an upcoming anthology I jumped at the chance. The decision to write my story in a book with binding & actual pages gave me an insane amount of hope.
When you read my essay, you will -finally- know why life sucked so. very. hard. But, you will also see my hope brimming through…just beginning to shine it’s light. My story in this book is vulnerable, it’s extremely personal. While I am honored to share it for those whose life may be transformed or challenged by it, I am also crapping my pants at the thought that even one other person may read it. Seriously. I could go to the bathroom and ralph. Right now.
Today on May 7, in memory of Saint Rose Venerini (1656 – 1728), a teacher of girls and women, we begin the campaign for our book today!
Our book is called, Talking Taboo: American Christian Women get Frank about Faith. All of us are speaking out about our unspeakable experiences. All of us, unearthing the taboos that have stifled us, divided us, and prevented us from feeling at home in our Christian communities. The book is part of a bigger collection in the .
We are launching an Indiegogo campaign with the hopes of pre-selling 1,000 copies of our book in order to get people Talking Taboo all over the country. If we exceeded this goal, we could provide more interactive opportunities to talk taboo with one another. We could host Talking Taboo regional conferences, make a documentary featuring the voices of the contributors {that’s me!} and readers, or launch an oral history project of American Women of faith talking about taboos akin to StoryCorps. I’m really eager for what the Lord could do through these precious stories.
Will you pretty please join this movement of truth-tellers and risk-takers?
You can find out more about the project on our website, And of course, who doesn’t want a lil’
p.s. Yeah, I’m pretty g-e-e-k-e-d about being on the cover, though I must say, I don’t love my hair. At all. At the time, I wanted to submit an up-to-date picture & I knew it meant having to embrace the current length & style of my hair. I submitted the photo during the year I vowed to wear my hair natural. Though the picture is fitting for my article…all of the uncomfortability of both my hair and my circumstances intertwine in a fitting manner. Yeah, it’s that deep. =)
Okay, so come check out our video & join our launch!
I’ve been eager to invite my lovely GwG readers into this journey & I would absolutely LOVE if you were a part of helping to make this art project a meaningful one for many.
Later Gators,
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