netizen |ˈnetəzən|
a user of the Internet, esp. a habitual or avid one.
1. Supporting a faith-based right to reproductive justice -an interview with Dr. Willie Parker – There is very little about this article that didn’t anger me. However, I wanted to share it because it’s an interesting perspective and it’s good to read & share things that you don’t necessarily agree with or even like.
2. – This is a multi-part series. If you want to understand more of the black experience in general, read all of them.
3. Photos of children from around the world with their most prized possessions – Interesting & heartbreaking all the same.
5. I Became a Mother & Died to Live – by Renegade Mama. I met this amazing, brutally honest, insightful woman at Blogher’ 13. We hit it off immediately like we were on a freaking 1st date & wanted to elope together. I think I have 10 more articles of hers I want to share! Her thoughts on race and whites in America are particularly honest & challenging.
6. What I Won’t Tell You about my Ballet Dancing Son – Sweet like sugar. Beautiful.
7. Pat Robertson Accuses Obama of Inciting Black on White Violence – THERE ARE NO WORDS, there are NO WORDS, people. I’m so angry, I’m sort of chuckling right now. I cannot. even. deal.
8. Dear Parents of White Children – An important message for my readers rearing white children.
9. Three Things You Don’t About Your Children and Sex – POWERFUL read about kids, sex, porn & google.
10. – Deep.
Today’s For You, Netizen brought to you by…
…my boys with blank stares standing on wood blocks in the middle of Lowe’s.
So. What did I miss? What have you been reading on the interwebz this week, Netizens?
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