so many tears

I swear now.  I haven’t always swore.  I started swearing more -in jest- when I started Seminary and met a more liberal Christian than I’d been used to. But it’s been the past two years that kicked it up a notch.  It  wasn’t a big deal until I started being more free with my choice […]


Interestingly enough, I wrote the post below after I wrote having sex demons but before the #StoryChicago post. I didn’t have any clue really how these two posts would effect me, but it has been more weighty then I could have imagined.  I couldn’t bring myself to respond to comments on the sex demon post.  I usually […]


I went to the Story Chicago Conference this past week.  The theme was A Sense of Place but I felt anything but. The 1st evening of the conference, conference creator Ben Arment gave us a brief welcome and an introduction to the 2013 Sundance-award-winning documentary, Blood Brother.  The film follows a white American, Rocky Braat […]


I was sitting there at the bar in a ritzy Manhattan hotel when he walked in.  He smiled at me.  I literally turned around.  He’s smiling at the glamazon that must be seated behind me because I am wearing grey skinny jeans, a bright red t-shirt that reads “EVERYONE TALKS ABOUT MY BLOG,” & red […]

rhys jump 2

I was editing a few beach pictures the other day.  We’d taken a mini staycation for Labor Day weekend to South Haven, MI.  We live about 45 minutes away from one of the most beautiful shorelines in the States: Lake Michigan on the Michigan side.  The beauty of this particular giant body of water is […]


A few years ago I had a Spiritual Director whose wedding ring was a simple Ruby red stone.  She’d chosen it to represent & honor how she’d been purchased in blood.  She is very big on symbolism.  I have always found it to be inspiring & intriguing. The ring spoke to me long past that […]


**Written about 6 weeks ago before I started working full-time again*** The other day I was getting ready to go out.  I’d bothered to put on makeup, did my hair and even threw on accessories. Since I’ve been unemployed for a few months, I’m living in pj’s or sweats, keep my head in a rag […]

my stableness project

The day has finally arrived, y’all.  I’m starting my Stableness Project & documenting the whole shebang over at my new-fangled Stableness Project blog.  I won’t be regularly pulling over those posts to except for this one time though I may add a few links every now & then in my semi-weekly, For You, Netizen […]
