
I read my friend, Sarah Bessey’s beautiful words’s the other day and wept.  Ten minutes later I’d written the following response. //// “I’m the one who gets on your nerves, the one you wish would go away, I know. Maybe I embarrass you. Maybe I worry you. Maybe I anger you. Maybe it’s a bit […]


I didn’t think I was marrying wrong. In fact, there was nothing at all wrong about my foray into marriage. When he got down on his knee with a beautiful platinum ring in hand he’d done so with the approval of his parents, my Ma, all our friends -mutual and individual- and his full-time Ministry […]


I’m considering taking a month long break from blogging and t.v. watching AND book reading.  IF I took this plunge, it would be for one purpose alone and most of you know what that purpose would be: Detroit’s Daughter. I have a great friend in my Mastermind Group.  She made a movie.  She’s in post production […]

bantu knot

The hubz & I are going through a 12 week marriage seminar. I did not want to go. It was going to be hard work.  It was going to require all the communications-of-horror.  It was going to give me headaches.  It was going to rip my hair out and hang me upside down by my […]
