I’m really excited today to be guest posting today for the blog Just Be Enough: Celebrating Me. Celebrating You.  Elena’s blog is about knowing and believing that you are strong & that you are ENOUGH just the way you are.  Doesn’t that sound fab?  Seriously, check it out. Since I’ve been losing weight this year and […]


I could cry, I could cry, I could cry because I have a herd of work trips coming up and absolutely no hair plan whatsoever. I posted as much on Facebook the other day with a laundry list of my many —wildly expensive— options: Cut & press, every three weeks-ish ($45 – $85) Kinky Twists […]


Another year means one thing, peeps: time for another do!

minister mama signature final

In conclusion to part 1, the one about why I shouldn\’t date demons or want to run off and marry them in Vegas. I press on. A dear friend reminded me the other day how often faith looks like confusion and courage looks like fear. Who among us has ever faced a life-altering event with […]


It was R2′s turn to experience the haircut from Daddy in which he took far too long, ended in tears and left Mama begging for Daddy to “please just stop” because what 15 month old needs a perfect haircut? Of course Daddy was overcompensating trying to prove that he really can cut hair because it […]

grace rihanna

Dave has been really diggin’on my mohawk, which is why he was bestowed the great honor of touching it up. (Well, that & being flat broke) My bad. For those catching up: here’s the look I’m goin’ for…

willow rihanna collage

…channel Willow Smith & Rihanna…


A follow up to the ever popular post: So, I\’m bald now. Eck. (Part 1) Appropriately titled, So, I’m bald now. Yay! (Part 2) I wasn’t sure if there would be a part 2. Sure, sure I thought there would be more endless droning about the fact that I hated my new lop-job haircut which […]
