You can’t control everything but what you can plan for you should, doggone it.
- formerly Gabbing with Grace
You can’t control everything but what you can plan for you should, doggone it.
If you’re catching up here, read Part I. So. One of my best buds had thrown out the gauntlet, “why you, Grace?”
I like to build stuff. Not with brick & mortar, though I don’t mind building a Lego tower or two. What I like to build is much more elusive, which is a fancy way of saying the results can’t always be quantified, which is another way of saying I like to drive myself crazy building […]
My very, very small Christmas gift to you. So small, in fact you may miss it. =)
Sigh. Prepare for a lil sigh-ing, if your up for it.
It’s true. It’s all true. Realized today that I am afraid that I am doing everything I’m doing because of all the things I’m afraid of.
Recently my little Rhysie-Bear, otherwise known around these parts as R2, or on Twitter as #OHR2! has been developing a teensy-tiny love of salt of which I must sadly take full credit for.
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