
Man, I was pretty geeked to be given an early copy of Does This Church Make Me Look Fat: A Mennonite Finds Faith, Meets Mr. Right & Solves Her Lady Problems. Here’s why: I loved Rhoda Janzen’s previous book: Mennonite In a Little Black Dress.  I listened to it first via Audible & because I […]

Ransom and Rhys at Cedar Campus

What it is like to identify as one race in one ethnic background and give birth to another?  That’s what I’m attempting to tackle in a healthy way from now until, let’s see….the end of my life. In the meantime, I’m sharing over on Deidra Riggs’ Jumping Tandem blog.  Deidre has been doing a fascinating 31 […]


netizen |ˈnetəzən| noun a user of the Internet, esp. a habitual or avid one. ~ I loved this touching story of a Mama living through her baby being born 10 weeks early.  But, it’s more about  creating your own light until you get to the end of the tunnel. ~ Have unmet expectations?  Great post […]


I’m really excited today to be guest posting today for the blog Just Be Enough: Celebrating Me. Celebrating You.  Elena’s blog is about knowing and believing that you are strong & that you are ENOUGH just the way you are.  Doesn’t that sound fab?  Seriously, check it out. Since I’ve been losing weight this year and […]


This is a bit of a part 2 to my last post about my day in court…or maybe it’s a part 12 who knows?  It’s more of my story, and I’m still trying to figure out how it all fits together. ~ I went to that prison hoping for something, longing for something that was […]


photo credit I’ve been speaking and giving testimonies surrounding just about every aspect of the abuse I went through, the court system, etc.  I’ve spoke about everything from my crazy dysfunctions to the long and arduous healing process.  The one thing I haven’t done is written about it…well, not publicly.  I’ve been working on getting […]


I can’t believe I had never heard of Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF before I became a member of the Global Team of 200 earlier this month.  The more I learned about this program the more I wish I had known about it.  As a kid, I would have loved to do something like this.  And not to […]


I’m willing to bet you $5.50 you did not know that livestock produces some of the most dangerous greenhouse gases—methane and nitrous oxide—through their digestive systems and their manure. And did you also know that these gases are far more powerful than the more commonly talked-about carbon dioxide? And did you also know that livestock […]
