All I think when I hear the word ‘worship’ is negative.  I don’t like this word.  Confession: when I saw it was the theme of this weeks #FmFParty I cringed a little. On the one hand I hear… …crazy Christians worshipping Jesus.  Jesus.  As if that’s a thing. …Sunday morning worship where a bunch of […]

are we the same or different

I’m so excited to guest post on Grace’s blog – and I hope you’ll find it worth your time to read it! (To make it easier, I’ll try to keep things short.) It won’t take long for you to notice that my writing style is different from Grace’s. She writes as the free spirit she […]


netizen |ˈnetəzən| noun a user of the Internet, esp. a habitual or avid one. //// 1. Supporting a faith-based right to reproductive justice -an interview with Dr. Willie Parker – There is very little about this article that didn’t anger me.  However, I wanted to share it because it’s an interesting perspective and it’s good […]

titanic tweet

I was particularly struck a few years ago when Heavy D unexpectedly passed away.  Call me morbid, but I generally head straight to Twitter after the death of a celeb to check out their last tweet.  Heavy’s last tweet was simple, “BE INSPIRED!”  If you follow me on Instagram you know I often write #StayInspired as […]


Super stoked y’all to share with you my recent interview with author, Jeff Goins.  Jeff has a GREAT wildly popular blog on writing, ideas & making a difference. His last book was Wrecked: When a Broken World Slams into your Comfortable Life …which, will wreck the mess outta you if you let it.  And this next […]

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Dear Over Sharing Mama, I feel you.  Sometimes, I confess, I over share because I feel woefully inadequate as a Mama.  At least I think that’s why underneath it all. I upload copious amounts of instagrams appropriately hashtagged #momlife. Yet, as to motive, I’m in deliberations about all this.  Hear me out. One time I tweeted, […]

GBHeadShot13 - with psalms

Finally, I’ve finished revamping my new ABOUT page.  I’d hoped to have this done & ready to be unveiled with my relatively new blog revamp -more than a month ago- but…ya know… that would have taken a modern miracle.  In any case, here’s my new “about” page posted here for all my new readers and […]

when god was at urbana also queen

As an extrovert, fine, I admit it: I’m a conference junkie.  I’ve always loved conferences, I stay up the latest and party the hardest though when I say “party” I mean getting drunk on conversations and high on laughter.  Of all the conferences I’ve ever been to, maybe 45 or more, I’ve only ever had […]
