
Today is my 36th birthday, y’all! Here’s 36 life lessons I’ve learned in 36 years.  I’m not perfect -surprise!- but I try like the dickens to live by each of these.  My 36 pearls of wisdom for you, peeps! In random order. 1. People are hurting, err on the side of kindness.  If they aren’t […]


Earlier today, I begun planning out my 2013 plans, dreams & B.H.A.G.’s.  (Big, hairy, audacious goals).  I made a date with Ransom at Target to do so… I believe an annual review of the previous year with a solid plan for the next is vitally important behavior for those of us wanting to live graceful, […]


The hubs & I aren’t great planners. We’ve sent Christmas cards once in the 12 Christmases we’ve been married.  Yesterday, we started opening the gifts before we realized we forgot about the stockings. Our house was messy until the last minute possible. We don’t have many Christmas traditions, something we’d like to change and often […]


netizen |ˈnetəzən| noun a user of the Internet, esp. a habitual or avid one. ~ The one that helped me want to snuggle R1 & R2 a little bit longer:  “It hit me in the darkness of his cluttered room that these days are numbered. Some night in the future, Little Dude will ask me […]


I’m going to be giving away TWO 8 x 8 hardcover Shutterfly photo books! I have become a big fan of creating online photo books because I’ve all but given up on old skool paper & scissors scrapbooking, which is sad indeed. A couple years ago, I made a Shutterfly book of our 2010 summer. […]


Every year, across the world 287,000 women die in pregnancy and childbirth. If that seems fairly high to you, it is. That’s one death every 2 minutes, 800 times a day across our globe.  These unborn souls need traveling mercies if anyone has ever needed it. Alemi, on the right is 25.  She lost her […]

r1 r2 and i

There is beauty and brokenness in parenting.  The heartache of possibilities held in tension with the fullness of joy is enough to make your heart explode like day old lasagna left too long in a splattered microwave….or something like that.  It’s messy. Brokenness. I want to be a more engaged mother, a kinder mother, a […]

d and r2

netizen |ˈnetəzən| noun a user of the Internet, esp. a habitual or avid one.   Are You Focusing On The Obstacle Or The Opportunity? by Michael Hyatt Perhaps if it had been us, we would have spent more time focusing on the problem—analyzing Goliath, digging deeper into the problem, and trying to understand the various […]
